This whole thing is so timely, thank you friend ♥️

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😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 so needed to read this - “It takes a very long time to resensitize oneself to everyday living: to the regular pains and vulnerabilities that arise within it. At first this might seem like a pointless task: why make life more difficult than it has to be? And yet the more the desire to have healthy, reciprocal relationships sinks into one’s bones, the more it becomes clear: life is that difficult, actually..” I’m in the midst of a big layer of that re-sensitizing process and it’s been making me feel like I’m losing my mind a little bit. ♥️ Thanks for the reminder that I’m human and it’s okay.

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Beautifully written. This speaks to where I'm at in my journey currently. I'm rebuilding after a life of extreme, unfathomable trauma. The pain changed me so much & I'm in much less pain now. I've had so many epiphanies that my entire self-concept changed over the course of a few months. I realized the extent of my avoidance when the object of my limerence offered real love to me & I exploited that love out of fear. Now I am rebuilding everything from the ground up & I get to decide what's for me & what isn't. When I was dissociative, I couldn't discern what I wanted. I just didn't want to be hurt & abused anymore. Now, I can connect with myself & be my truest self. I love the idea of paying attention to the pain, hearing it, feeling it, but not letting it consume you because there's still shit to do. Thanks for all the work you do, Heidi🫀

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Thanks. This made me cry and face my own pain and fear for a bit, before putting it back into the drawer that’s been semi-forgotten about in the attic of my head (especially fear).

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